Friday, July 14, 2006


I would call this a trivia post, were it not for the two final links (you'll see when you get there). To start off, I've posted the titles to the remaining song lyrics.


I've reorganized my office aka living room, moving Alberich into the leftmost position beside Burton. I found that the contrast between the screen and the sunlit buildings through the windows in his previous position was too intense, I was getting headaches from working there. An odd thing: having moved Alberich so that I now sit to his right, I can hear that the Mac Mini is not totally silent, there is in fact a very faint murmuring fan-noise.


This week's flowers are roses of a sort of pre-faded red/orange pattern, very pretty but unfortunately they don't smell at all.

And now, a collection of other blogs for your delectation. To lead off, we have Mimi Smartypants talking about her daughter:
In my house there is a three-year-old wearing only underpants, swim fins, and a backwards baseball hat, cradling a lump of concrete like it was the world's cutest baby doll, and talking about "humans" as if she were other than. Sometimes I wonder.

Here's Dooce talking about her daughter (a few days back, actually):
At one point the computer asked you what letter was missing in the word ROBOT. You accidentally pushed the E instead of the O, and when it said, "Uh-oh, try again!" you bit your lower lip and said, "Shit!" Both your father and I froze, afraid that any reaction would be the wrong one, and he asked me what you had just said in case he had gone temporarily insane and had heard it wrong. Before I could confirm his worst fears you turned your head to look straight at him and said, "I said SHIT!" As if to say, because you didn't hear me clearly the first time, father, I'm going to spell out for you the fact that both you and your wife are so bad at regulating the crap that comes out of your mouth that your baby learned how to use an expletive IN CONTEXT before she learned how to wipe her own ass. Good work on that one, guys.

Next, a fascinating photo project. Bobby Neel Adams combines two photos of the same person (as a child and as an adult) into one image. The results are surprising and sometimes quite odd. Some people's faces changed enormously, others seem hardly to have changed at all.

Finally, comments on the situation in the Middle East from Lisa (many links to other Israeli and Arab bloggers writing on the war), Billmon and Dilbert.

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Blogger brooksba said...

The new office set up looks cozy and functional and the flowers are pretty. It's nice to see different colors all the time. I think I like the variety of flowers more than one type over and over.

Those pictures merged together? A little creepy. Yikes!

July 14, 2006 at 8:52:00 p.m. GMT+2  
Blogger Zhoen said...

I like the photo thing, although another vote for creepy.

Most roses today are odorless. Lovely, last a long time, no smell. Sad, really.

July 15, 2006 at 4:10:00 a.m. GMT+2  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

I do like the flowers, they are pretty.

I liked the partial posts, those were cute glimpses into how children think.

And the pictures really creeped me out.

July 22, 2006 at 12:04:00 a.m. GMT+2  

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