Sunday, February 05, 2006


Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends. The trigger is definitely getting caught up in dreams, I woke struggling out of a vivid, tightly recursive dream about commenting on a blog.

I cannot remember the first time I had insomnia, but I'm pretty sure it never happened before I went to university. It might be stress-related, because I always sleep very well while on holiday; but today has been a relatively calm and pleasant day (drank cappucino, bought CDs of Supertramp and Franz Liszt, got half a dozen books from the library, ate moderately and at a reasonable time). I didn't go to the Staatsgalerie while I was downtown, because I couldn't remember when my local mini-supermarket closed and didn't want to have to eat out or order pizza, but that was the only anxiety or disappointment of the day.

In other news I looked at digital cameras again, and am very close to purchasing the Canon A610; but cannot get a simple answer to what should be a simple question: does it require special software or a driver for use with a current Mac? What I want, is for the camera to appear automatically on the desktop as though it were an external hard disk, the way that my late lamented Nikon did. What I do not want, is to have to use special software to access the photos, or to have to install driver software to enable my Mac to see the camera. If any Mac-using A610 (or A620 or A640) owners happen to read this, I would be very grateful for a comment in clarification.

[Updated: thanks to all those who commented on this and my earlier post on the subject. I did indeed find a simple & straightforward answer from the Canon sales support team via their website - yes, it needs no driver or software, so Zhoen your guy was right :-) I ordered the camera this morning.]

And now, to bed - again.

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Blogger SavtaDotty said...

Thank you for the introduction to "Breakfast in America." That clip sounds most enticing.

February 5, 2006 at 9:40:00 p.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Zhoen said...

The short answer, it will almost certainly work without any additional driver softwear. Since just about any Canon ever made is on the list my dear former Mac I.T. Guy spouse is looking at. And we have Macs and Canon cameras (video and still).

"Unless they have changed something radically on that model," the expert beside me says, "Should be ok." This list was probably compiled right before the A-600s came out.

P.S. blogger comments were not working yesterday, and blogger crapped out completely later in the day. Please come visit when you get a chance.

February 5, 2006 at 11:02:00 p.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Little Light said...

Hi Udge,

I'm trying to catch up with my blog reading/commenting.

I saw Impromptu on Saturday morning - my lazy time and Liszt was played by Julian Sands, the guy who was in Boxing Helena.

Anyway, I'm going to try to be a better blogging neighbor.

February 7, 2006 at 8:03:00 p.m. GMT+1  

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