Saturday, November 27, 2004

Note to myself

Dear Udge,

I hope you don't imagine that I enjoy being awakened at 4:30am again. This insomnia of yours - may we speak frankly? It kinda pisses me off.

Look out the window, boy: Do you see any other lights on? Nor do I. Gee, perhaps they're all asleep. Food for thought?

And on the subject of food: It should be clear by now, after your little trips to Venice and Munich, that the excess stomach acidity which wakes you up, has no necessary relation to what or when or how much you have eaten. You ate more, spicier and especially later away from home than you would dare to do here: No acidity, no insomnia.

I humbly suggest that you consider whether it might not be related to the condition of your soul - or maybe just your posture.

Now drink your hot chocolate, go back to bed, and let me sleep.



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