Saturday, February 03, 2007

Reading list for January 2007

I had just finished checking PostSecret for the third time, wondering when the hell Frank would get his act together, then had an awesome realization: "Hey, today's Saturday! I've got another whole day of weekend coming!" I am severely chronologically challenged after these days and weeks of the competition followed by two days off.

I bought myself the boxed set of Wim Wenders' Directors Cuts that I mentioned before Christmas, as a treat for surviving the competition without killing or even seriously offending anyone, and have already seen Himmel über Berlin (the vastly superior original of "City of Angels," everything most things of interest or beauty in that film were cribbed from Wenders. This is surely one of the very best films ever made by anyone anywhere! Go see it right now!!) and Im Lauf der Zeit which is very possibly Wenders' second-best film (after HüB).

Anyway, what have I been up to lately?

Currently reading
Petra Hammesfahr, Mit den Augen eines Kindes—still
Vladimir Nabokov, Ada oder das Verlangen—still
Terry Pratchett, Monstrous regiment

Previously read

Yes, you read that correctly, dear reader: it is indeed the same as last month's list. I did not managed to finish a single book during the month of January, and I am as shocked and dismayed as you must be. I even had to return three unread books to the library! Oh, the shame. I promise to do better in February.

Next month's list
Last month's list

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Blogger Zhoen said...

I'm in the midst of a long dry spell for reading books. I hope it ends soon.

I also have Post Secret on the RSS feed. Sometimes it does go up Saturday night.

February 4, 2007 at 3:19:00 a.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Lioness said...

Oh thank you zhoen, I could have sworn I didn't always have to wait till Sunday for PostSecret, now I know I am not once again chronologically-challenged.

May-Jul and Dec-Febr are bleak, bleak months. Sometimes March-Apr as well. Once in a while I cheat and read more than I should instead of studying but all in all, can't remember the last time I bought a book or was able to have that luxuriating feeling of guilt-free reading...

February 4, 2007 at 10:54:00 a.m. GMT+1  

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