Monday, October 31, 2005

Reading list for October 2005

Currently reading
Marcel Proust, Du côté de chez Swann - still
Franziska Gräfin zu Reventlow, Das Geldkomplex

Recently read
Stanislaw Lem, Der Planet des Todes
Arno Schmidt, Aus dem Leben eines Fauns

Contrary to last month's list, I have not abandoned Proust but am struggling happily on! The going is painfully slow, and I am sure that I'm missing much of the goodness, but even so it's a damned fine read. I am surprised how much of it I remember recognize from having read it in English, the Moncrieff/Kilmartin translation is very true to the sense and rhythms of the original. I don't know that I will fight my way through all seven volumes, but I am pleased to find that I can and wish to read this to the end.

Arno Schmidt is one of the great secrets of German twentieth-century literature, revered here but little known outside the language. Aus dem Leben eines Fauns describes the life and thoughts of a minor bureaucrat during two seasons, the start of the Second World War in September '39, and the firebombing of his home town near the end of the war. It's available on Amazon in English. Recommended.

(I haven't forgotten the requests for information on Peter Handke and translations of Don Juan, this will come soon-ish.)

Next month's list
Last month's list

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Blogger CarpeDM said...

Yeah. The most literary thing I read in October was Perry Mason mysteries.

Yet again you amaze me with your reading lists.

November 2, 2005 at 2:21:00 a.m. GMT+1  
Blogger nancy oarneire graham said...

I just finished a class with the English trans. of Swann, Lydia Davis, and she said that she thought the best trans. of the title would be: By Way of Swann.

That was, I believe, the only idea of hers the pub. wouldn't accept. People are too used to Swann's Way, they said, they won't buy it.

November 16, 2005 at 2:13:00 p.m. GMT+1  

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