Friday, September 09, 2005

First day of Autumn


The sky is a seamless light-grey overcast without feature, so luminous that the south side of the street is as bright as the north, and one's shadow is only a smudge directly underfoot. The temperature is still relatively high, but there is a cool and moist breeze blowing through the streets that speaks of mist and falling leaves. Every once in a while a whiff of combustion drifts past: either a coal fire or somebody burning off garden rubbish, perhaps vine leaves and tendrils: there are vineyards on hillsides throughout the city, even right downtown three blocks from the train station; and the hillsides here in the western valley are spotted with Schrebergärten.

It's been a long and hot summer, and I am glad of the change of season (by the proudly Canadian, sadly missed Matthew Good Band, another song that often gets put on repeat for half an hour at a time.)

I have always felt that Autumn was the true start of the year, the peak of the last hill of the rollercoaster ride as it were: a time to pause for breath, square one's shoulders and dive down into work again. Even though I've been self-employed for ten years now, able to take holidays whenever I want, I still somehow maintain this feeling that summer is to the year as Sunday is to the week. September is all Monday for me (and in contrast to Brenda Ann Spencer, I love Mondays).

Given my druthers (does anyone but my father still say that?) I would celebrate New Year's Day on the new moon closest to the autumnal equinox. (I'm in good company there: according to the Wikipedia, "Autumnal Equinox Day is an official national holiday in Japan, and is spent visiting family graves, and holding family reunions.")


Blogger Dale said...

Huh. September's the beginning of my year too.

September 9, 2005 at 11:28:00 p.m. GMT+2  
Blogger CarpeDM said...

I am quite fond of Fall with the leaves changing colors and the temp getting below 80 degrees so I don't feel like I'm melting. But I like Spring as well. With the leaves coming out and the temps getting above 30 degrees so I don't feel like I'm freezing.

I so live in the wrong state. Gorgeous picture.

September 10, 2005 at 4:22:00 a.m. GMT+2  

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