Sunday, July 31, 2005


It's been a long time since I've had insomnia. According to Google the last time I blogged about it was April 17, and I think it's only happened once since then.

Examine the list of possible causes. Drinking tea late in the evening? check. The waning last-quarter moon? no, it happens usually during the waxing moon. Social disappointments? check, Slim is spending her birthday with a girlfriend on the North Sea coast and decided at short notice that she was too busy to see me today as tentatively arranged. Using the computers late in the evening? no, I turned them off just after 10pm. Vivid recursive dreams? checkaroonie.

The most likely culprit is indeed my dreaming mind. As I blogged on February 5: I woke ... from a dream which had become entangled in itself, causing the "conscious" Udge to take sides and attempt to steer it; unfortunately I steered in the direction of dream-logic, trying to complete the dream, rather than steering out of that dream into a better place. This caused a tightening cycle of entanglements and course corrections that eventually woke me. I had been asleep for three hours = 2 REM cycles.

Looks like a smoking gun to me. The question is: what to do about it?

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Blogger Fred said...

I don't know about the drinking part. It works for me if I have two small glasses of sambucca prior to bedtime.

It puts me right out.

July 31, 2005 at 6:18:00 p.m. GMT+2  
Blogger Lioness said...

Wrong person to ask. Empatheticlly yours though.

August 12, 2005 at 7:30:00 p.m. GMT+2  

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