Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Second chance

Regular readers may remember my anger and dismay back in early February, when a Very Large Financial Services Corporation refused to look at an english-language version of my database, which they had asked us to write, because "it's new and we don't buy new stuff". (Go read the article; it's OK, I'll wait.)

Well, guess who called up this morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and as friendly as a wet puppy? Yes, indeed: Mister VLFSC himself. They would just lurve to have a look at the english-language version, could we give them a presentation down in Moneyville next week?

Sure, of course we could. Just don't screw us around again, guys. (What, me hold a grudge? Nah.)

I really wonder what has happened in these two months, to change the situation from "impossible" to "desirable"? I bet the purchasing department made them buy the second-best software (which just by the way is twice the price of ours), were shown what a piece of crap it is, and have now seen the light. I would say "serves them bloody right," except that I am quite sure that the cost of this debacle (if that's what happened) would come out of the Nice People department rather than Purchasing itself. Well, it's not as though Purchasing had made a mistake.

God forbid that I should one day wake up and understand the mentality of Very Large Corporations.


Blogger Dale said...

Wow. (I'm still reeling from going back to read the original situation.)

Two months. Yes, that's just about right to buy something else and install it and figure out it doesn't work.

I guess it would be self-defeating to say, "sorry, we don't sell old stuff," but it must be tempting.

March 30, 2005 at 3:05:00 a.m. GMT+2  
Blogger Udge said...

Definitely tempting, but (a) I'm a nice guy, and (b) I really need the business. They would be a superb reference client, if it ever came to be.

March 30, 2005 at 11:06:00 a.m. GMT+2  

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