Thursday, February 17, 2005


Red Eft says listen to your dreams.

Well, I have recurring erotic dreams about a blogger. (Points will not be awarded for guessing who I'm talking about, so don't even try.) I've never met her, probably never will; I've never even seen a photograph of her. Yet in the logic of the dreaming, this is definitely her - or rather, it is her blog.

Yes: I have erotic dreams about blogging. I think I spend too much time online.

I definitely spend too much time on the computer (comparatively little of it playing around or blogging, work has been very intense this month). Programming work late into the night "captures" one's consciousness in a way that e.g. reading in bed or watching TV does not. I often dream about work, and have on several occasions found solutions to current problems in my dreams. (Everybody has done this sometime, the surprising thing is how often the solutions actually work: in "Liar's Poker", Michael Lewis describes dreaming that there was an arbitrage position to be exploited in a particular Japanese company's shares, and finding at work next morning that it was true; I dream up blocks of code that I can type in unchanged, and they will compile correctly.) I sometimes dream about numbers in the abstract, where I wander in purely numeric, digital, landscapes and watch blocks of information merge and shift. These dreams relate directly to programming after 11pm on that evening.

A late Valentine's Day Resolution: I must turn the computers off earlier.


Blogger nancy oarneire graham said...

I am not so surprised your code works, udge. I think our dreams are less irrational than we think, and our waking minds less rational. And we divide the two, which makes no sense, and treat dreams as if they were less a part of us than our thoughts.

I have never wandered among numbers in my dreams, so I kind of envy you that. It's a part of your personal mythology. If you wrote more about that, or drew it, I would love to see it. I do admire The Number Devil, by Hans Magnus Enzensberger, though. You probably like that one.

February 17, 2005 at 3:59:00 p.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Postmodern Sass said...

Just in case.

February 17, 2005 at 4:58:00 p.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Little Light said...

I've had dreams about writing complete musical compositions, but unfortunately, I can never remember them long enough to write anything down.

Didn't Einstein come to some of his equations through dreams? Perhaps we're all geniuses in our sleep.

February 17, 2005 at 5:14:00 p.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Kirsten said...

Udge, just curious... Was the dream in black and white?

February 17, 2005 at 11:00:00 p.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Udge said...

I don't know "The Number Devil", though I do read Enzensberger's political and social essays. I'll have to borrow that one from the library-on-wheels when it comes around next week.

Kirsten, most of my dreams are in colour. (I hesitate to say "all" because I cannot remember many, I wake up knowing only that I did dream).

February 18, 2005 at 2:25:00 p.m. GMT+1  

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