Friday, January 21, 2005

Learning is expensive

As a consequence of the consultation with the doctor on Monday, I have signed up for a course of physiotherapy: ten 30-minute sessions over the next few weeks, to unlearn some bad habits and acquire better ones.

The bill comes to 700 Euros - for five hours. Let's see, 700 divided by five is, um, dear Lord, 140.

One hundred forty Euros per hour. Damn, I'm in the wrong profession.

On another note, I have also signed up for evening courses in Russian for Beginners. 13 sessions, each 90 minutes long, for 80 Euros. That comes to 4.10 Euros per hour. They too seem to be in the wrong profession.

The Russian language has always interested me, perhaps because my maternal grandfather was from Russia. In my final year in high school, Russian was offered as a subject for the first time. I signed up, but there were too few takers so nothing came of it.

Other than native, incorrigible curiosity, my motive is a trip to Leningrad St.Petersburg with the "Friends of the Canadian Opera" tour group this summer: I want to be able to say "please" and "thankyou", and to eavesdrop on people on the train.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just have to live beyond your means. I mean, the only way to get out of the wrong profession is to partake of things wrong for anyone in your profession, right? This is a variant of saying no to things repeatedly until something comes along that you want to say yes to.


January 21, 2005 at 7:36:00 p.m. GMT+1  
Blogger SavtaDotty said...

Initially, I was sent to a physical therapist 3 years ago to deal with a minor back problem, but the therapist proved so talented and so on-my-wave-length that I've continued weekly sessions with her as my "personal trainer." Her fee is the Israeli equivalent of what you quote, adjusting for the cost-of-lving differential, and it is now my best hedge against infirmity. Isn't that worth a lot? [Note: there's an invisible string going from your ankles up your spine throught the top of your head to heaven. If you can remember that, you'll save thousands of euros.]

January 21, 2005 at 8:48:00 p.m. GMT+1  
Blogger SavtaDotty said...

Pazhalista = Please
Spasibo = Thank You
That'll be 5 shekels, please.

January 22, 2005 at 8:25:00 a.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Udge said...

I forget the name of the linguistics professor who, being asked how he could possibly have learned 20+ languages, replied "After the first dozen, it gets easier".

Learning (of any kind) is largely a self-fulfilling prophecy. My expectation on starting a course is, that I will succeed; therefore I do succeed. I'm gonna ace this Russian course, you betcha, and will scare the pants off everyone else in the class. And I'll love it.

What I'm working up to, dear RFJ, is that you should go for it. Forget the squawking; every human being experiences stage fright on starting something new, that's how you know that it is new. Role play usually just means "reading out loud in groups", and I can confidently state that you will be no worse at that than anyone else in the group.

Savtadotty: my first therapist taught me the "invisible thread" in the other direction: from the head through the bowels, down the legs, and on to the centre of the earth: Grounding. Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders.

January 22, 2005 at 5:07:00 p.m. GMT+1  

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