Monday, February 28, 2005

Not free

Well, no sooner had I set foot in the Stadtpark on my way to the river, when my cellphone rang: the cancelled appointment was not Munich. So here I am in sunny (earlier on), snowy, cold Bavaria. It is several degrees colder than Stuttgart: the few hundred metres difference in height above sea level, plus the shielding effect of Stuttgart's valley, really do make a significant difference in the climate.

Just so that nobody is kept unnecessarily in suspense, there were no ducks on the Neckar this morning as the train crossed over the bridge. On the way here, I saw: too many canada geese to count, many ducks of different species, one magpie, three eagles, two hawks, lots of crows (several rookeries and a few lone pairs) and one large white bird that I couldn't identify. (I don't mention sparrows, starlings or pigeons: too common.) No wild animals were sighted, but there must already be some awake to judge from tracks in the snow.

The Stadtpark in Stuttgart was full of red squirrels chasing each other around, in snow so deep that sometimes only their ears and tails were visible. Can't they tell that it's still winter?


Blogger nancy oarneire graham said...

What? One just casually sees three eagles in those parts and then buries them in a list, it's so pedestrian to see them?

March 2, 2005 at 3:32:00 a.m. GMT+1  
Blogger Udge said...

They're definitely not pedestrian but they are fairly common. Germany is full of eagles, hawks, buzzards and other birds of prey. In summer, you see one every other kilometer above the autobahn. There is a pair that nests somewhere in Stuttgart (!), you see them circling above the city parks.

March 2, 2005 at 10:33:00 a.m. GMT+1  

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