Monday, February 28, 2005

A day off?

Another wonderful sunny morning, the air is crisp and clear and relatively cold, around -5°. The sun has been up for half an hour or so, and is now touching the rooftops opposite. It would be a terrific day for travelling to, say, Munich or some other wintry city, and I had an appointment there this morning which I had been happily anticipating. Unfortunately, it was cancelled (I think) and so here I sit. (The "I think" is because the answering machine cut off the message in mid-preamble. I sent an SMS yesterday saying "was that you? reply if not cancelled" and have so far received no reply.)

Nobody knows that I'm here, everyone believes that I'm sitting on the train at this very moment.

What to do with this wonderful sunny morning? I could walk down to the river and count the ducks. I could spend the day on the sofa, watching TV and eating chocolates. Or I could work.

Decisions, decisions.


Blogger Robb WJ Ellis said...

Yo Udge - thanx for your welcome. Living in Africa was awesome and I'm sure some of my adventures will come out in my musings. Take it easy.

No worries.


February 28, 2005 at 4:52:00 p.m. GMT+1  

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