Thursday, October 07, 2004

Dancing fool

I dropped in on Slim (think of Lauren Bacall in To have and have not) on my way back from visiting a client, and spent a happy afternoon with her and the kid. It was a fine day, warm and sunny, but poor Larry has an eye infection which is worsened by fresh air (figure that one out) so we stayed indoors.

Slim is a work-at-home single mother, and is not shy about giving people orders. Almost before I took my jacket off, she had put Larry in my arms and showed me where the kid books and stuffed animals were. She then disappeared into her office, leaving us to do guy stuff. Which was great fun. He's eighteen months old, at the stage where he walks well but sometimes still prefers to crawl. And he is a dancer! he stands there and shakes his little diapered booty like a pro. Slim says he likes Brasilian music best.

We read a book, played with blocks, got dizzy on the swivelling chair, poured a box of paper clips into Slim's printer (sorry about that) and generally had a whole bunch of fun.

I like being an uncle and would modestly say that I'm pretty good at it. I am reigning world champion at choosing stuffed animals, and a dab hand at Playmobil too. But how quickly they grow up. It seems only a few weeks ago that Slim announced that she was pregnant, now here he is: a dancer.


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